And to the good people of this Nation, the ancient Irish Nation, particularly to the serious people, to the really and truly Republicans: this a prove of the power of the propaganda machine of the anti-Irish system, that have many arms and many helpers.
And by the way, if the "modern" sheeple, the ultra-tech people and the Free Staters are so into number, and breaking up the things to "explain" ...they should start giving to the public more detail of the voting. Because may the vote be secret, but here, 2018, Big Brother long ago here. And all the surveys they do, and all the studies. Only show that. The non-Irish Irish citizens, what were there preference: the Yes or No? Of this section of the population, not just so simple: where they came from, for example: the spanish individuals that are Irish citizens, the english individuals that are Irish Citizens, the US individuals, the Chinese, the african, the polish...all of them, a detail explanation, because, hey, they have already that kind of stuff. XXI century in full steam. Big Brother. They control us, the study us...and the monitor many us. Were not asking for more, here. We area asking to them to share the info already have, more that surely.
Like when the say that most of the young people, this and that. is the same case. How they know if the vote is secret? the very same. Is only that, this individual was...a young polish woman , a spanish man, an english fella. or the mix people, this young english-irish young man, this asian-irish, this african-irish.
McT N wants to know and thinks that would be very interesting and real reality check. Mc T N does not give a f///k about the color but the place of origin or the place of origin of the parents is truly interesting and is a right even. The opposite is just globalization.
In this video, this english woman, this globalist agent under the feminist flag is being an African. She is clearly not an African. She is a black english woman. Was Obama an african?
This is lie. She is not and she not be treated of call african because she is simple not one.
As said, many actors around trying to gain for the consequences of it. Many people and organizations are going to try to catch here now. Shamelessly of course.
First of all, the Catholic Church, that even they stood for the No, is one of the main reason, through their history and action, that so many Irish Irish citizens have vote Yes. Because they thought doing so was voting against the Church. The Church knew this of course.And if the were really interest in the result to be a No, they would have go out and clearly stated that even if they were supporting the No (McT Ndon't trust them, don't listen to them) it surely was not a Church thing or even religious issue (at least not only, because it was not for many many people,and for sure many people for the No were not church friendly). They Church is not stupid. They knew the feeling of so many people. And they knew that many many people themselves relate the No to them. And you have so many of the Yes camp day after day relating the No to them . They knew that if they go out clearly to disassociate the NO from the Church they would benefit the NO. They did not. This shows that, as usual, the Church is a enterprise that use things to the enterprise benefit, for their own gain. They didn't care about the No winning, unlike other people that did work for their NO within their possibilities and resources. This shows the hypocrisy of both the Yes and the Church. And the System happy as hell.For them is a Win/Win situation.
Now the Church will come to collect and regain support. They would say that they were for the NO whole-hearted. If was the case they would have do that. Because again, many individuals, propaganda and organizations of the Yes, linking the No to the Church.And doing so from the knowledge that this would harm the No position. If the church was whole-hearted for the winning of the No, they would have take the courage and dignity for once and put their own interest and agenda at least the second. They did not. And again, now they will cover their hypocrisy and try to rebuild their prestige or regain some support, knowing as the know that won't be as in the past. If the Church regains support who will be the first sectors and ideals affected: yes, the Irish Republican and true Republicanism.
A funny thing the Provos, so pro-Church was for the Yes. Their pals of the Church for the No.Both anti-Irish and anti-Republican. They will try inf the future to make a clamp against them.
To say about the Provos. This was a test for Marie-Lou. Or more precisely, now Marie-Lou the anti-Irish and anti-Republican leader of the west-brit agents that the Provos are will be able to pose as champion of the Yes, champion of fairness and justice, defender of women. To be fair, the Provo stance and deep involvement in the Yes, with even internal problems for them at the start of the campaign, is very relevant, and their part is quite a big part for the Yes to win. Nationalists, not only Republican should have this in mind.
In the other hand, for sure they will come some actors, like the National Party and other quasi-fascist or fascist parties or groups of people to try to gain support for them. They will blame foreigners, and for sure, as this kind of people do, will go to people easily recognizable. And this means yes, foreigners of dark skin, and the first and the most that will be signal will be blacks, but africans. We have to remember that many Arabs are categorize dark skin and themselves are really anti-African.
The nazi and fascist shit (apart of the direct agents of the System that leads themand a couple of able speaker they would have), are by definition really simpletons. They are not going to try to have really deep thoughts or analysis.The go to for the easy answer. And to be fair, not only them this days.
Like with the video above: they call the english rat... african. Only because the color, and a remotely african hat? Don't go and listen to hear, and only with this you realize that she is more english that the queen.
This people, whatever they pose as left-wing, socialist, communist, anti-imperialist, even republicans, women defender...are really no good. Actually ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. Simple as that. because
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