Thursday, 29 March 2018

The mix between Religion(s), politics, economics, imperialism Part 1 - some national examples, and religions, past and present

There are, and had been, many religions and spiritual sets of believes within the Nations and in the world. 

Within the monotheistic main religion of the world, Judaism, Christianity

and Islam there are many things in common,apart of theological issues. Historical developments, power concentration, becoming state religions of some imperial powers , etc.

Unfortunately,we have to put and mix history, politics and economics into the equation if we want to have really a meaningful exposition.

This three main religions, originally were created (or were originated whatever term you prefer)and develop in some specific regions the world. Region that have some specific nations and states within.

Then if even nowadays in nations like Erin or Cantabria have to be recognize that the main religion (and for quite a while) is Christianity in the form of Catholicism (with its shades itself as well) , in the Native population pockets of the old religion and believes are maintained, and even within catholic sectors,some of their beliefs are christian arrengements of the old native beliefs and values. As well, little groups of jewish believers are to be found, not been the Jewish community ill treated or disrespect as in other nations or states. But here and this is not to talk about perceive victimhood, real victimhood, fair criticism and even punishment, that all the three main religion have ,including of course Judaism. No one –people,individual,nation,race, sexual community  or religion - is above criticism.Criticism is always good and needed, taking into account that is fair and with foundation. Sometimes fairness is not ugly or not nice,like the Truth. But it is what it is,XXI century or whatever.

But in Nation like Erin or Cantabria the Christian religion was imported. Was not original, not native. We have our Religion, our Gods, our Native Spirituality. yes, similar to others in others parts of the world, because the were Natural ones, but even so our own, with our specifics features, ideas, and original aspects. This was Pagan Religion. For example, the God of the Seas in Erin and Cantabria is called Lir or Ler. Other example of closeness in spiritual matters and beliefs is Samhain. The harvest season in Erin, in Cantabria has been through the centuries been preserved,but because the intense latinification that the catholic Church hand in hand with Spanish imperialism (helped by the catholic basques in order to expand themselves)  brought to that Nation in opposition for example with Erin (where the Church didn’t have that latin feature so marked and developed, but even that said  it had it but much more covert).In Cantabria nowadays what is known as Halloween, that is called “Nochi delos Dijuntus”  (meaning ”The night of the deceased” in Cantabrian language)  and,  after some national revival episodes (since three or four decades ago-specially the ’80s and late ’90)  been  called Samuin. The similarity is obvious. We can talk as well about a caldrum -with all the important and deep connotations of them had in old societies- brought for sure from Erin to Cantabria, called “El Calderu de  Cabarcenu” ( "The caldrum of cabarceno", been cabanerceno the place were it was found), but because politics and the global sectors that for centuries has been shaping relations and cutting the historical ones between nations, it is said that it came from the British Islands (and every one knows that there is only one British island, the other is Irish Island, called Erin; if the case was that it did not come from Irish soil, the will be talking specifically).And anyway, this are only few examples,and we can go long with them.

To Cantabria and Erin the church in its original places send their men to convert the Native people of that two Nations. And enough said in this regard for now.

Judaism have its sects and so to speak sectors within its limits. So the Christian religion. And of course the Islamic one. The people that follows the Torah, the people that follows the Talmud,other peoples; the Christian groups (the real ones), Catholic Chruch, orthodox church, proestant church will have to be put here as well, and other peoples; The shiites, the sunnis, and other peoples and groups within them like alawites in the shiites and other peoples. And were are not going to develop here the doctrines,  similarities, differences, clear rights and wrongs  theological speaking.
Now, we have to speak about the clear alligment of some of the main religions or better said, churches in the develop of empires and conquest by some peoples of others. Not to speak of the obvious ecomomic use of religion, and the unholly enrichement of some groups and churches .
Catholicism was made the official religion of the Roman-Latin Empire in the II century.

Here and now is good to remember that the British had  a very strong latin element,and more so their upper classes. The germans as well. And of course what to say of the italians and spaniards. The spaniards use the religion to conquer the Americas and cleanse the native nations and population. 
Actually, the thing in common between Spain and Britainis the mix between this elements: latin influence ,the influence of zionism (some or many  will say judaism, but here some people will say rightfully that more that Judaism is zionism disguise as Judaism), and germanic influence. Historically Britain develop more the last two (having the latin one more cover because PR) and Spain the first the most and the last a lot as well (having the zionist one cover because PR).

Yes, the British and french finish the job, but the Spanish started and do the most of it. As it was earlier it is not as fresh. Anyway, now, formmany quarters there is a push of presenting them as free of guilt,mud and crime (quarters as the zionists, with the sefardis pushing a lot there) Zionists groups had use Judaismfor their purpose, develop of influence and power. Within islam as well.

An there are sectors,of the three main religion that behind the secenes more than happily collaborate and have joint enterprise, like a global agendas, the destruction of Native nations and so.
Then within the religions , there are left, centre and right sectors. Of course you find despicable nazism and fascist in all three, and despite what people can think, in the Jewish communities as well.Is well kmow in the Catholic and Protestants, and within the Islam as well, like when some muslism  sectors in nations like Chechenya fought with the Nazis against the USSR, or more recently in the aggressions against Syria, Lybia and so. And you find left sectors in all the therre religions. And for example when the talk that a lot of jewish people were communist and struggle for the USSR and their creation, that is true, but a lot of Christians in many nation of the world aligned themwelves politically with Communism. Like with nowadays controversies, there is s lot of misconceptions. Historical and ideological.

Then, hopefully after all this, can be seen that the official narrative, the historical propaganda (of the system and many so call alternative sectors) and of course the Mass Media have a lot of holes, lies a lot. The pictues if far from simple, small, and been in black or white.  

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