Monday, 14 May 2018

9/11? The good left- Don't think and remember: the towers went down because the fire

Is funny this left, present in almost every Nations, small, medium or big in size, that is only seen and ear when there is any official thing, some issue originated from the very System, like the upcoming referendum in the 26counties State in the South of Ireland.

They are there, living, working, earning money, talking, discussing...and first of all enjoying life. They only get active and conscious when some official thing arise. Apart from that their only fight is to portrait themselves as the best and most leftist, modern and so on. But again, back to Ireland's case, nothing about Internment of Irish Republicans, of Miscarriage of Justice, of Abuse of POWs, of control and repression of Republicans...

There is a definition for this people. More than one actually.

Just remember the 9-11, a dramatic event that brought us much of the Big Bother NeoFascism that we suffer. Where was this Left? Echoing the System version, and attacking the people that were trying, better or worse, to think by themselves. And they oppose and marginalized all that brought up or defended realistic theories but that were very different to the official one.

The use big words, they say we were un-scientific, crazy and things like that.

yes, yes. All the WTC towers went down because the heat caused by the fire. WTC 7 as well.

Then, reality (brought to us by Life) come around and upps...

Sorry crazy official conspiratorial (against the Native Nations and the Peoples) theorists. Just one example...

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