Wednesday, 2 May 2018

One thought about the "gay cake" thing and other things related

Mc T N, even for its own surprise, has to side with the owner of the bakery.

This, as many other things around some issues, as said many times before, is completely out of hand.

I like respect we should respect. If we don't like to be impose things we should not do the same. Just for coherence sake.

There are not "admission right" in many business, from hotels, to restaurants, to pubs? 

Don't we live in a capitalist society? One of the things, as they put it themselves, is the freedom of enterprise. You have many restaurants to choose between, many pubs to decide where to go, many shops to decide where you buy this is that, many supermarkets...

Now, let us image a bakery own by people like the accuser in this particular case. Imagine that there to make a cake with a slogan really contrary to their way of thinking.Do we think that they will happily just accepted with out problems.

Truth is above all. And the truth is that within the gay community there is a lot of intransigence, a lot of fascist mentality (maybe not political but in the daily life), a lot of intolerance, lots of capricious people.  Of course, we are not saying that all the gays are like this. But for sure is not like the picture like many people try to put forward of a "very open and tolerant" people, "happy people without hate", "without any of the faults that they accuse the straight people to have. We only have to see how many and how deeply misogynists are within the gay male community.

Again, we demand that, as the impact of the III Reich had is so bloody and big, from the gay community or elsewhere...and explanation of why the SA (to less extend the SS)and the NSDAP were so gay friendly and why, starting for Hitler so many male gay had leading positions. We demand that, as they like to impose their view and taste nowadays the openly recognized and name all the gays in the Nazi hiercharchy. Why they don't do so?

Like this days: many people say, and it seem so we have to say (hey lawyer, only an opinions, we judge opinions as well) that the primer minister of the 26 Counties is gay, the French PM is gay, many says that the UK PM is gay, the actual King of Spain is Gay...

If we have to be so open to LGTB agenda...why the do not all of them openly recognized their orientation. And don't play the victim card.The time for that is long pass...

Back to the cake issue. If that bakery refused to make it... Just why you want that bakery to do it?  Would not be more natural to don't want to make it...then f...k you, I take the order and the money to other shop.

I mean, some people we suffer because our way of thinking, because we try to stick to natural and traditional ways. And to be fair, a lot of the people that is racist with us, are gay. Many of them they don't like poor people, "backward" people, travellers, redneck. They don't like a lot of thiongs but we have to like them... Curious. If you want to be respect, respect.

To end with this, 
maybe so people will ask why Mc T N is so much around this issues of the  LGTB agenda and the so-call "feminist" agenda, and so critical: first of all 


and second, because from this two agenda nothing good for the Nations and the People, as a all, as a collective, arouse. Not surprising having in mind that this two issues, in the way they are presented and the actors involved are heavily shaped, infiltrated and used by the Globalist. 

And sorry for you if you work for them.Change your master! 

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