Sunday, 1 April 2018

Global target : the elimination of the political will and desires of the Nations and their Peoples

The best example of this is the small and ancient Cantabrian Nation.

They have many resources and weapons in their arsenal. Not only military-policial gear.

The have the social weapons, like hard drugs (chemical ones legal or illegal as main weapon, coke been the favorite) strategy, the social engineering and others.

The ideological ones: the cultural (in general, arts, traditions, national sports like the example of the Irish National Sports and the direction of GAA is a perfect ongoing example ), historical, the pure ideological one (setting to the peoples and groups bad examples as good -Trotsky, Tito, Castro and others- to let be follow and attacking the good, using black prop and so), art

The change and reshape of the countries, the land itself, but the cities, the towns and so with their modern-global style of construction, engineering, architectonics styles.

If we couple this with physical general attacks in Nations and their Peoples, with mass murders, forcing emigration (and immigration as well, the other side of this particular coin)...and the political censorship, use of kitsonians tactics and repression we have a powerful wave against the Native Nations and Peoples (be them the Irish, the Cantabrian, the Aboriginals and so on)

The Cantabrian example is clear and recent (still ongoing, but they have till now really successful).

A lot of people are really proud of been Cantabrian. The like their Land, they acknowledge a particular identity, they like their music, art style,  national sports (been this replace with soccer mainly like in the rest of the world), they recognize their history (of course the episodes more compromising , more if they are recent, for the Imperial system and global agents are the one less clear) and many other thing.

But they had been able in taking out of their general-popular mindset and psyche the fighting spirit for the Nation, the historical and so deep historical national desire of been Free, to be openly Independent (Cantabrian Country was de facto independent between 1936 and 1937), to fight as they fought over centuries till the late XX century.

And this, that has been a success in the Cantabrian Country is a goal and a established target in which they are working for every Nation, from Erin to Japan.

And the consequences of their success in this are very ugly, bad, nasty and costly to the Nations and their Peoples.

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